Hi! This is me…..out of focus! I was born and raised in Rome, Italy 35 years ago.

My father chartered accountant by profession and much more by passion; mum is a retired librarian. I have an older sister, Valentina, and several little brothers and sisters cats (for whom all I was and am inevitably ‘the uncle’/’u ziu’). In 1999 I left home for the first time for a long period to live in Andalusia. That was the beginning of many things: of love, of travelling, of lack of homesickness, one of the first time I had critical thoughts about all that I always had considered granted and better. Then some years later by chance, purely by chance and thanks to two girl friends (Irene and Chiara), I started studying and working in the development cooperation ‘business’ and had the chance to extensively travelling to places I had never heard of nor imagine to visit. And finally here I am now, planning an amazing and almost incredible adventure that will take me from the heart of India to the rice fields and temples in South East Asia, from the rampant Chinese land to the mysterious Central Asian Republics. Crawling on the echoes of ancient merchants’ routs to Persia and the Middle-East till the Northern Africa sandy shorelines. And then I will finally find home again, whatever meaning that word will have by then.

So here I am! I decide to open this blog to share this experience with all those who will be patient enough and curious to read. I promise to be always true and I hope this electronic diary will be another tool to unfold my true feelings and emotions

hope you will enjoy


5 responses

10 01 2011

ma sempre tutto in inglese?

10 01 2011

non so. per adesso in inglese. E’ possibile che sara’ un mix tra inglese ed italiano nel futuro..eppoi almeno fai un po’ di pratica, no?
Ti piace questo layout?

13 01 2011

Hey wanderer,

I want you to listen carefully to this…first of all because I love this song and second because I think it’s all about you..

27 01 2011

Giovanni, allora ti aspetto. Fammi sapere bene quando che cosi’ ci organizziamo. Considera 2 giorni di riposo per laltezza a meno che tu in effetti arrivi by land e allora mi sa che e’ meno forte il male alla testa. Il T.A.R. costa….se ci organizziamo con piu’ persone forse e’ meglio.
Irene da Pechino

15 02 2011

ciao pippo… ti seguirò attentamente… con un po’ di invidia, visto che io sono “bloccata” in Italia anche se dal più dolce dei motivi…
Ludovica – che mi gorgheggia qui accanto – verrà iniziata a una vita da viaggiatrice…appena possibile!!!

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